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Support updates archive
17/10/2024 ‐
ROUTE dates now available via the API
10/10/2024 ‐
2025 Route deadlines now available
19/03/2024 ‐
School data update
01/03/2024 ‐
Additional IMS attributes in SPACE
27/02/2024 ‐
SPACE to IMS link now working
16/02/2024 ‐
Frames not being sent to the IMS
15/01/2024 ‐
Media owner Engage Outdoor Media is now 'E Outdoor Media'
10/01/2024 ‐
Media owner Target Student is now 'Next-Gen Media'
14/12/2023 ‐
IMS Trigger Updates
29/08/2023 ‐
'Schools' environment is now 'Schools/Colleges'
25/08/2023 ‐
Close frames in bulk
08/08/2023 ‐
Update to GET client-brand API call
25/07/2023 ‐
SPACE to IMS link now working
30/03/2023 ‐
New Media Owner Attributes
28/03/2023 ‐
School Proximity updates
17/02/2023 ‐
Production/Creative specifications
15/12/2022 ‐
Promote campaigns on our social media
03/11/2022 ‐
ICE Phase Two
18/08/2022 ‐
IMS Daily Update
16/08/2022 ‐
Additional filter options
20/06/2022 ‐
School Proximity updates
16/12/2021 ‐
Agency Lists now live in SPACE
01/11/2021 ‐
New development: ICE (Impact Calculation Estimate)
26/10/2021 ‐
Digital Roadside Frames
12/10/2021 ‐
SPACE Deadline now passed
28/09/2021 ‐
Route Deadline dates published
19/07/2021 ‐
New Localities data set now in Live
21/04/2021 ‐
New Environment in SPACE
25/03/2021 ‐
School Proximity updates complete
22/03/2021 ‐
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