GET agency-conflict

A lookup call to retrieve conflicts for agencies. It will return all similar agencies.

INPUT to fetch conflicts for agencies

As this method is accessed via a GET request there is no HTTP body so options can be specified via the URL.

parameter type description
agency_name string an agency name for which we want to find conflicts

INPUT to fetch conflicts for brands

As this method is accessed via a GET request there is no HTTP body so options can be specified via the URL.

parameter type description
client_id int an advertiser id for which we will search brands
brand_name string a brand name for which we want to find conflicts

OUTPUT - JSON sample

If accessing GET /api/agency-conflict/agency_name/name or GET /api/agency-conflict?agency_name=name the following JSON would be returned for similar advertisers/brands:

    "data": [
            "id": null,
            "name": "Goodstuff"
            "id": 5,
            "name": "Talon"

If agency is not approved yet then its ID will be set to NULL