Used to retrieve transfer frames.
When accessed via a GET request this API method will return a list of all frames in transfer. The result will contain a paging object with details on the total pages and records within the resultset. You'll need to move through the pages via the page parameter in the URL (i.e. frame/transfers?page=1).
As this method is accessed via a GET request there is no HTTP body so options can be specified via the URL.
parameter | type | description |
page | int (optional) | move through a resultset to the requested page |
page_size | int (optional) | the maximum number of frame records per page |
If accessing GET /api/frame/transfers the following JSON would be returned:
"data": [{
"FrameID": 2000000051,
"LocationDescription": "Some place2",
"SalesCode": "19C",
"Format": {
"Code": "12",
"SpaceFormatID": 1,
"Width": 0.56,
"Height": 0.24,
"SurfaceArea": 0.13
"FrameType": 1,
"Faces": 1,
"Illumination": 1,
"Environment": {
"Type": "Roadside",
"Description": "Roadside",
"Attributes": [
"Type": "WorldGeodeticCoordinate",
"Value": "49.76680500,-7.49999999"
"Type": "PostCode",
"Value": "SM12EA"
"Type": "Address",
"Value": "address value"
"Distance": {
"PrimarySchool": 404,
"PrimarySchoolName": "Hallfield Primary School",
"SecondarySchool": 848,
"SecondarySchoolName": "Ashbourne Independent Sixth Form College",
"SpecialNeedsSchool": 559,
"SpecialNeedsSchoolName": "College Park School",
"FurtherSchool": 6238,
"FurtherSchoolName": "Putney High School",
"PlaceOfWorship": "943",
"Playground": "608",
"UpdateDateTime": "2016-02-29 23:41:46"
"UpdateDateTime": "2015-02-25 14:00:34",
"ClosedDate": null,
"MediaOwner": "Mediatel",
"MediaOwnerID": 1,
"MediaOwnerStartDate": "2017-03-14",
"MediaOwnerEndDate": "2029-02-10",
"NewMediaOwner": "Mediatel",
"NewMediaOwnerID": 1,
"LegacySiteNumber": "SITE123456",
"Tags": [
"Localities": [
"TownName": "Sutton",
"TvRegionName": "London",
"ConurbationName": "Greater London",
"EnvironmentGroup": "Roadside",
"EnvironmentGroupID": 4,
"FormatGroup": "Bus Sizes",
"FormatGroupID": 10,
"LinkedAssetID": 3000000004,
"LinkedAssetDescription": "Description of Linked Asset ID 3000000004"
"paging": {
"page": 723,
"page_size": 100,
"total_pages": 723,
"total_records": 72204
A "data" element that contains an array of frames defined as follows:
FrameID - int64 - the unique identifier used within SPACE to reference the frame
LocationDescription - string - a description of the location of the frame
SalesCode - string - the sales code as set for the frame
Format - array - an array of format data defined as follows:
SpaceFormatID - int - the unique identifier for this format
Width - float - width in meters
Height - float - height in meters
SurfaceArea - float - surface area in square meters
FrameType - int - the type of frame (see relevant GET API method)
Faces - int - the number of faces for the frame
Illumination - int - the type of illumination (see relevant GET API method)
Environment - array - an array of environment data
Type - string - the environment type
Attributes - array - an array of attributes specifically for this environment
Type - string - attribute type
Value - string- attribute value
(*) Distance - array - an array of distance data calculated as the crow flies
PrimarySchool - int - distance in metres to the nearest primary school
PrimarySchoolName - string - name of the nearest primary school
SecondarySchool - int - distance in metres to the nearest secondary school
SecondarySchoolName - string - name of the nearest secondary school
SpecialNeedsSchool - int - distance in metres to the nearest special needs school
SpecialNeedsSchoolName - string - name of the nearest special needs school
FurtherSchool - int - distance in metres to the nearest further education school
FurtherSchoolName - string - name of the nearest further education school
PlaceOfWorship - int - distance in metres to the nearest place of worship
Playground - int - distance in metres to the nearest playground
UpdateDateTime - float - date/time that distances were last updated (YYYY-MM-DD HH:ii:ss)
UpdateDateTime - string - date/time that the frame was last updated (YYYY-MM-DD HH:ii:ss)
ClosedDate - string - date that the frame was closed, can be null
MediaOwner - string - current media owner company name
MediaOwnerID - int - current media owner company identifier
MediaOwnerStartDate - string - current media owner start date
MediaOwnerEndDate - string - current media owner end date
NewMediaOwner - string - nw media owner company name
NewMediaOwnerID - string - new media owner company identifier
LegacySiteNumber - string - legacy site number
PreviousFrameID - int - previous frame identifier that was associated with this frame
Tags - array - an array of tags associated with the frame
Localities - array - an array of localities associated with the frame
TownName - string - town
TvRegionName - string - TV region name
ConurbationName - string - Conurbation name
EnvironmentGroup - string - Environment group
EnvironmentGroupID - int - Environment group identifier
FormatGroup - string - Format group
FormatGroupID - int - Format group identifier
LinkedAssetID - int - Linked Asset identifier
LinkedAssetDescription - string - Linked Asset description
paging - array - an array of paging date for the resultset data defined as follows:
page - int - the current page for this request
page_size - int - the maximum number of frame records per page
total_pages - int - the total number of pages this request generated
total_records - int - the total number of frame records this request generated
MediaOwnerFrameReference will only be returned in requests for frames where the user is the media owner.
PreviousFrameID will only be returned in requests for frames where a previous frame identifier has been assigned.
(*) Available for Proximity data subscribers. For further information contact