GET linked-asset

A lookup call to retrieve information about linked assets. By specifying an id parameter you can retrieve details about a specific linked asset.


As this method is accessed via a GET request there is no HTTP body so options can be specified via the URL.

parameter type description
id int64 (optional) a linked asset id to restrict results to [min: 3000000000, max: 3999999999]

OUTPUT - JSON sample

If accessing GET /api/linked-asset?id=3000000000 the following JSON would be returned:

    "data": [
            "id": 3000000000,
            "reference": "Linked Assets Reference",
            "description": "Sample Linked Asset",
            "frameIDs": [

A "data" element that contains an array of linked assets defined as follows:

id - int64 - the unique identifier for the linked asset [min: 3000000000, max: 3999999999]

reference - string - Linked asset reference

description - string - Description of the linked asset

frameIDs - array[int64] - Array of FrameIDs to associate with the linked asset