GET ice

A lookup call to retrieve comparable frames so that you can calculate an Impact Estimate for a frame that is awaiting a Route audience measure. The call requires a frame_id to be given in order to return the data. If no ID is supplied, an empty data array is returned.

The frame_id parameter accepts a single value or a comma separated list (i.e. /api/ice?frame_id=2000000001,2000000002,2000000003).


As this method is accessed via a GET request there is no HTTP body; options can be specified via the URL.

parameter type description
frame_id int64|string A single Frame ID or comma separated list of Frame IDs to restrict results to

OUTPUT - JSON sample

If accessing GET /api/ice?frame_id=2000000051 the following JSON would be returned:

        "data": [
                "FrameID": 2000000051,
                "Releases": [
                        "ReleaseID": 39,
                        "ReleaseName": "Version 39",
                        "LastUpdated": "2021-07-01 12:00:00",
                        "Version": "1.00",
                        "ICEFrames": [
                        "ReleaseID": 38,
                        "ReleaseName": "Version 38",
                        "LastUpdated": "2021-03-08 14:59:43",
                        "Version": "1.00",
                        "ICEFrames": [
                        "ReleaseID": 37,
                        "ReleaseName": "Version 37",
                        "LastUpdated": "2020-12-08 09:22:47",
                        "Version": "1.00",
                        "ICEFrames": []

A "data" element that contains an array of frame Impact Estimations defined as follows:

FrameID - int64 - the unique identifier used within SPACE to reference the frame

Releases - array - an array containing the Releases details

  • ReleaseID - int - the Route Release ID number
  • ReleaseName - name - an array of strings listing optional attributes for this environment
  • LastUpdated - string - date/time that the list was last updated (YYYY-MM-DD HH:ii:ss)
  • Version - string - version of the ICE algorithm
  • ICEFrames - array[int64] - an array containing the frame IDs

OUTPUT - Invalid Frame ID

If an invalid frame_id is requested, the following JSON would be returned:

        "data": []

OUTPUT - Frame ID has no data

If a frame_id with no ICL is requested, the following JSON would be returned:

        "data": [
                "FrameID": 2000000051,
                "Releases": []