Used to create a specification. This will be called with an array of specifications to add, the arrays must include all required fields.
When accessed via a POST request this API method will create a new specification. Your HTTP body should consist of JSON similar to the following sample.
Each attribute type/value will be validated to ensure that the data is valid. See the section on errors for how errors are represented.
As this method is accessed via a POST request the raw body must be set to JSON as described below.
"Name": "Specification Name",
"Type": "STATIC",
"MediaOwnerRef": "REF 1",
"Description": "Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet",
"Url": "",
"DisplayAreaHeight": 4000,
"DisplayAreaWidth": 8000,
"MaxFileSize": "2000",
"OverallSizeHeight": 1,
"OverallSizeWidth": 2,
"Material": "Vinyl",
"Finishing": "Test",
"Packing": "Test",
"Spares": "Test",
"CreativeMaxSize": 1000,
"CreativeMimeTypes": ".pdf",
"CreativeHeightMin": 100,
"CreativeHeightMax": 100,
"CreativeWidthMin": 100,
"CreativeWidthMax": 100,
"CreativeDpiMin": 600,
"CreativeBleed": 150,
"CreativePixelsHeightMin": 4000,
"CreativePixelsHeightMax": 800,
"CreativePixelsWidthMin": 2000,
"CreativePixelsWidthMax": 4000,
"Motion": "static",
"LengthMin": 25.0,
"LengthMax": 50.0
The table below details the fields used in this example.
parameter | type | description |
Name | string (required) | A unique name for the specification. Must be less than 100 characters |
Type | string (required) | The type of frame that can be linked to this specification. The value must be either 'DIGITAL' or 'STATIC' |
MediaOwnerRef | string (optional) | An internal reference for the specification. Only visible to the specification owner and SPACE admin |
Description | string (optional) | A description of the specification |
Url | string (optional) | [url] URL to public document of Production Spec |
DisplayAreaHeight | int (optional) | [mm] Display Area Height |
DisplayAreaWidth | int (optional) | [mm] Display Area Width |
VideoBitRate | string (optional) | DIGITAL specifications only. |
OverallSizeHeight | int (optional) | STATIC specifications only. [mm] Overall size of printed material (Height) |
OverallSizeWidth | int (optional) | STATIC specifications only. [mm] Overall size of printed material (Width) |
Material | string (optional) | STATIC specifications only. Description of the material to be provided |
Finishing | string (optional) | STATIC specifications only. |
Packing | string (optional) | STATIC specifications only. |
Spares | string (optional) | STATIC specifications only. |
CreativeMaxSize | int (optional) | [Mb] Maximum file size when providing creative |
CreativeMimeTypes | string (optional) |
List of mime types of files that will be accepted when providing the creative
One or more of [ '.ai', '.avi', '.bin', '.bmp', '.doc', '.eps', '.exe', '.gif', '.gzip', '.jpe', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.mov', '.mpe', '.mpeg', '.mpg', '.pdf', '.png', '.ps', '.qt', '.tif', '.tiff', '.viv', '.vivo', '.xbm', '.zip' ] |
CreativeHeightMin | int (optional) | [mm] Minimum Height of Creative |
CreativeHeightMax | int (optional) | [mm] Maximum Height of Creative |
CreativeWidthMin | int (optional) | [mm] Minimum Width of Creative |
CreativeWidthMax | int (optional) | [mm] Maximum Width of Creative |
CreativeDpiMin | int (optional) | [dpi] Minimum dots per inch of creative |
CreativeBleed | int (optional) | [mm] |
CreativePixelsHeightMin | int (optional) | [pixels] Minimum Height in Pixels of Creative |
CreativePixelsHeightMax | int (optional) | [pixels] Maximum Height in Pixels of Creative |
CreativePixelsWidthMin | int (optional) | [pixels] Minimum Width in Pixels of Creative |
CreativePixelsWidthMax | int (optional) | [pixels] Maximum Width in Pixels of Creative |
Motion | string (optional) |
The level of motion supported [static, full_motion, subtle_motion]
One of [ 'static', 'full_motion', 'subtle_motion' ] |
LengthMin | float (optional) | [seconds] Minimum length of moving content |
LengthMax | float (optional) | [seconds] Maximum length of moving content |
If accessing POST /api/production-spec with the body set to the sample JSON above then the following JSON would be returned:
"ProductionSpecificationID": 77,
"Name": "Specification Name",
"Type": "STATIC",
"Version": 1,
"LastUpdated": "2023-02-06 10:30:11",
"MediaOwnerID": 1,
"MediaOwner": "Mediatel",
"MediaOwnerRef": "REF 1",
"Description": "Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet",
"Url": "",
"DisplayAreaHeight": 4000,
"DisplayAreaWidth": 8000,
"MaxFileSize": "2000",
"OverallSizeHeight": 1,
"OverallSizeWidth": 2,
"Material": "Vinyl",
"Finishing": "Test",
"Packing": "Test",
"Spares": "Test",
"CreativeMaxSize": 1000,
"CreativeMimeTypes": ".pdf",
"CreativeHeightMin": 100,
"CreativeHeightMax": 100,
"CreativeWidthMin": 100,
"CreativeWidthMax": 100,
"CreativeDpiMin": 600,
"CreativeBleed": 150,
"CreativePixelsHeightMin": 4000,
"CreativePixelsHeightMax": 800,
"CreativePixelsWidthMin": 2000,
"CreativePixelsWidthMax": 4000,
"Motion": "static",
"LengthMin": 25,
"LengthMax": 50
A "data" element that contains an array of Production/Creative Specifications as defined within the response for GET /api/production-spec