POST production-spec

Used to create a specification. This will be called with an array of specifications to add, the arrays must include all required fields.

When accessed via a POST request this API method will create a new specification. Your HTTP body should consist of JSON similar to the following sample.

Each attribute type/value will be validated to ensure that the data is valid. See the section on errors for how errors are represented.


As this method is accessed via a POST request the raw body must be set to JSON as described below.

    "Name": "Specification Name",
    "Type": "STATIC",
    "MediaOwnerRef": "REF 1",
    "Description": "Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet",
    "Url": "",
    "DisplayAreaHeight": 4000,
    "DisplayAreaWidth": 8000,
    "MaxFileSize": "2000",
    "OverallSizeHeight": 1,
    "OverallSizeWidth": 2,
    "Material": "Vinyl",
    "Finishing": "Test",
    "Packing": "Test",
    "Spares": "Test",
    "CreativeMaxSize": 1000,
    "CreativeMimeTypes": ".pdf",
    "CreativeHeightMin": 100,
    "CreativeHeightMax": 100,
    "CreativeWidthMin": 100,
    "CreativeWidthMax": 100,
    "CreativeDpiMin": 600,
    "CreativeBleed": 150,
    "CreativePixelsHeightMin": 4000,
    "CreativePixelsHeightMax": 800,
    "CreativePixelsWidthMin": 2000,
    "CreativePixelsWidthMax": 4000,
    "Motion": "static",
    "LengthMin": 25.0,
    "LengthMax": 50.0

The table below details the fields used in this example.

parameter type description
Name string (required) A unique name for the specification. Must be less than 100 characters
Type string (required) The type of frame that can be linked to this specification. The value must be either 'DIGITAL' or 'STATIC'
MediaOwnerRef string (optional) An internal reference for the specification. Only visible to the specification owner and SPACE admin
Description string (optional) A description of the specification
Url string (optional) [url] URL to public document of Production Spec
DisplayAreaHeight int (optional) [mm] Display Area Height
DisplayAreaWidth int (optional) [mm] Display Area Width
VideoBitRate string (optional) DIGITAL specifications only.
OverallSizeHeight int (optional) STATIC specifications only. [mm] Overall size of printed material (Height)
OverallSizeWidth int (optional) STATIC specifications only. [mm] Overall size of printed material (Width)
Material string (optional) STATIC specifications only. Description of the material to be provided
Finishing string (optional) STATIC specifications only.
Packing string (optional) STATIC specifications only.
Spares string (optional) STATIC specifications only.
CreativeMaxSize int (optional) [Mb] Maximum file size when providing creative
CreativeMimeTypes string (optional) List of mime types of files that will be accepted when providing the creative
One or more of [ '.ai', '.avi', '.bin', '.bmp', '.doc', '.eps', '.exe', '.gif', '.gzip', '.jpe', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.mov', '.mpe', '.mpeg', '.mpg', '.pdf', '.png', '.ps', '.qt', '.tif', '.tiff', '.viv', '.vivo', '.xbm', '.zip' ]
CreativeHeightMin int (optional) [mm] Minimum Height of Creative
CreativeHeightMax int (optional) [mm] Maximum Height of Creative
CreativeWidthMin int (optional) [mm] Minimum Width of Creative
CreativeWidthMax int (optional) [mm] Maximum Width of Creative
CreativeDpiMin int (optional) [dpi] Minimum dots per inch of creative
CreativeBleed int (optional) [mm]
CreativePixelsHeightMin int (optional) [pixels] Minimum Height in Pixels of Creative
CreativePixelsHeightMax int (optional) [pixels] Maximum Height in Pixels of Creative
CreativePixelsWidthMin int (optional) [pixels] Minimum Width in Pixels of Creative
CreativePixelsWidthMax int (optional) [pixels] Maximum Width in Pixels of Creative
Motion string (optional) The level of motion supported [static, full_motion, subtle_motion]
One of [ 'static', 'full_motion', 'subtle_motion' ]
LengthMin float (optional) [seconds] Minimum length of moving content
LengthMax float (optional) [seconds] Maximum length of moving content

OUTPUT - JSON sample

If accessing POST /api/production-spec with the body set to the sample JSON above then the following JSON would be returned:

        "ProductionSpecificationID": 77,
        "Name": "Specification Name",
        "Type": "STATIC",
        "Version": 1,
        "LastUpdated": "2023-02-06 10:30:11",
        "MediaOwnerID": 1,
        "MediaOwner": "Mediatel",
        "MediaOwnerRef": "REF 1",
        "Description": "Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet",
        "Url": "",
        "DisplayAreaHeight": 4000,
        "DisplayAreaWidth": 8000,
        "MaxFileSize": "2000",
        "OverallSizeHeight": 1,
        "OverallSizeWidth": 2,
        "Material": "Vinyl",
        "Finishing": "Test",
        "Packing": "Test",
        "Spares": "Test",
        "CreativeMaxSize": 1000,
        "CreativeMimeTypes": ".pdf",
        "CreativeHeightMin": 100,
        "CreativeHeightMax": 100,
        "CreativeWidthMin": 100,
        "CreativeWidthMax": 100,
        "CreativeDpiMin": 600,
        "CreativeBleed": 150,
        "CreativePixelsHeightMin": 4000,
        "CreativePixelsHeightMax": 800,
        "CreativePixelsWidthMin": 2000,
        "CreativePixelsWidthMax": 4000,
        "Motion": "static",
        "LengthMin": 25,
        "LengthMax": 50

A "data" element that contains an array of Production/Creative Specifications as defined within the response for GET /api/production-spec