POST client-brand

A lookup call to request a new advertiser or advertiser/brand pair be added to the master data list.


Where the term Client is used, this is now a reference to Advertiser

When accessed via a POST request this API method will create a new advertiser/brand pair. Your HTTP body should consist of JSON similar to the following samples.

Each attribute type/value will be validated to ensure that the data is valid. See the section on errors (on Overview page) for how errors are represented.

INPUT to create a brand for an existing advertiser

As this method is accessed via a POST request the raw body must be set to JSON as described below. Note that this is sample input.

    "client_id": 5184,
    "brand_name": "Age UK",
    "categories": [20012]

The table below details the fields used in this example.

parameter type description
client_id integer ID of an existing advertiser to which the brand being requested is to be linked
brand_name string Name of a brand
categories array An array of the category IDs related to the brand

INPUT to create a new advertiser/brand pair

As this method is accessed via a POST request the raw body must be set to JSON as described below. Note that this is sample input.

    "client_name": "Age UK",
    "brand_name": "Age UK",
    "categories": [20012]

The table below details the fields used in this example.

parameter type description
client_name string Name of an advertiser
brand_name string Name of a brand
categories array An array of the category IDs related to the brand

OUTPUT - JSON sample

    "data": {
        "request_id": 3011

The request_id can then be used in GET /api/client-brand-status to fetch the status of your request